
  This book has invited scholars from UK, Taiwan, South Korea and Hong Kong to address the social quality reality in Taiwan and South Korea. The main themes and discussion in this book include 4 dimensions of social economic security, social inclusion, social cohesion and social empowerment. Taiwan and South Korea has been advocated as “developmental welfare state” and recognized as 2 of 4 dragons in Asia with similar track in social and economic development in last few decades. It is very precious to see that book has its focus on unique investigation as stated above in two societies. More importantly, most of the chapters are written mainly based on the utilization of social quality theories and using the data derived from the same questionnaires (by different languages) and investigation done in two countries. And the book by using comparative study method and scientifically -based data to address the similarities and difference between Taiwan and South Korea in societal situation and trend is quite unique as well. Finally, the main content is highly consistent in addressing the social/political/economic and well-being of these societies with social policy implication, which is the strength of this book in particular



Byong-Hee Cho

  Professor of School of Public Health, Seoul National University
Cherng-tay James Hsueh(薛承泰)

  Professor of the Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University
David Fu-Keung Ip(葉富強)

  Associate Professor and Associate Head of the Department of Applied Social Sciences, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Jin-Ho Jang

  Assistant Professor of the School of General Studies, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
Sangchul Jang

  Ph.D. in Sociology, Yonsei University
Bih-Hearn Virginia Lee(李碧涵)

  Professor of the Graduate Institute of National Development, National Taiwan University
Chao-Yin Lin(林昭吟)

  Associate Professor of the Department of Social Work, National Taipei University
Eun Young Nam

  Senior researcher of Seoul National University Asia Center
Shih-Jiun Shi(施世駿)

  Associate Professor of the Graduate Institute of National Development, National Taiwan University
Alan Walker

  Professor of Social Policy and Social Gerontology, University of Sheffield
Lih-Rong Wang(王麗容)

  Professor of Department of Social Work, National Taiwan University
Yun-Tung Wang(王雲東)

  Associate Professor of the Department of Social Work,  National Taiwan University


Chapter 1
Introduction: The Concept of Social Quality
Alan Walker
Chapter 2
A Preliminary Subjective Investigation of Social Inclusion in Taiwan and South Korea
Lih-Rong Wang, Cherng-Tay Hsueh
Chapter 3
Atypical Employment and Social Quality: Experiences from South Korea and Taiwan
Bih-Hearn Lee, Lih-Rong Wang, Fu-Keung Ip
Chapter 4
Closed Social Networks, Trust, Health, and Well-Being in South Korea
Byong-Hee Cho
Chapter 5
Capitalism as Lived Experiences: A Comparison of Social Quality between South Korea and Taiwan
Sangchul Jang
Chapter 6
Financialization and Socioeconomic Security in South Korea and Taiwan
Jin-Ho Jang
Chapter 7
A Comparative Study of Social Cohesion in Taiwan and South Korea
Chao-Yin Lin, Yun-Tung Wang, Shih-Jiun Shi
Chapter 8
Middle Class Identification and Life Events in South Korea and Taiwan
Eun-Young Nam
Chapter 9
Social Inclusion in Taiwan: A Subjective Survey
Lih-Rong Wang


  • ISBN:9789863501305
  • 規格:平裝 / 208頁 / 15 x 23 cm / 普通級 / 部份全彩 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
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女孩相比男孩來說,她們的內心是更加柔軟的,和父母相處的時候也更加體貼,有很多父親自從有了女兒。 曾經吊兒郎當的他們變得無比細膩,沉浸在女兒的容顏中無法自拔,甚至在生活中也將全部重心轉移到女兒的身上。 ... 這也是在現實生活中有很多人成為''女兒奴''的原因,在女兒的身上傾注了全部的熱情。 看到每個人每一次的笑顏都會讓他們無比滿足,所以在女兒的培養上也會更加的用心。 小圓是一個攝影師,用手中的相機將美景記錄下來,她的老婆雖是一個公務員,但是對攝影無比喜愛,因為共同的興趣愛好使兩個人的感情一直都非常的深厚。 自從女兒降生後兩個人更是用鏡頭記錄下了女兒成長過程中的點點滴滴。 ... 這個春節無法帶孩子外出去感受生活,於是在自己的家中拍起了''裸照'',雖然並沒有瑰麗的風景和濃烈的陽光。 但是在黑灰顏色的映襯之下母女兩個人呈現出來天真和純潔的笑容,這組照片被放到網際網路上徹底走紅了。 雖然是一組裸照,私密部位被遮擋起來,很多網友看到照片上恬靜的笑容後,紛紛稱讚:這才是最高級的炫富方式。 因此也引發了很多人對女孩教育和培養方式的探討。 在很多人的內心中認為:女兒是應該富養的,只有這樣,未來她們的人生才能夠忠於自己的本心,在做出選擇的時候才不會趨炎附勢。 ... ''富養''女兒應該做到哪些? 1、精神生活豐富 在女兒的培養上,家長更應該注重精神層面的培養,幫她們找到感興趣的事情,沉醉在其中的她們會更加專注,同時也能夠感到時光的美好。 來自於精神上的富養,能夠讓她們變成獨立個體,而不是沉浸在外物的誘惑中,散發出來的氣質也是清新淡雅脫俗的,沒有任何的銅臭氣息。 ... 2、打開孩子的眼界 很多父母非常喜歡帶女兒外出旅行,一家三口的畫面,不僅使人羨慕,同時女兒在每次旅行中都能夠增長見識、打開眼界。 這對她們的人生是至關重要的,可以讓她們整個人的心態和面對事情的態度發生很大的改變。 ... 3、感受到父母的疼愛 在女兒成長的過程中,最好的富養就是讓她們感受到父母足夠的疼愛,在家庭環境比較和諧情況下成長起來的孩子,她們的內心相對來說是比較豐富的。 面對各種感情的時候,能夠以自己內心中的實際感受作為出發點,不會輕易的妥協,而這樣的她們在各種感情的時候也不會人云亦云。 ... 4、給予正確的價值觀 在女兒成長的過程中,家長一定要培養正確的價值觀,當價值觀發生扭曲的時候,很可能會使她們走上歪路。 價值觀的培養是不可忽視的重點,在她們一生中無異于堅實的根基,只有根基堅實,未來的人生才有更多的可能。 女兒在生活中是最珍貴的寶貴,家長恨不得將所有美好的東西都堆砌在她們的眼前,希望可以給予她們最滋潤的生活。 ... 但是真正對女兒的''富養'',是來自於心靈和精神層面的,生活上的''富養'',只是使她們感受到生活中的美好。 而來自於精神和心靈上的富養,才能夠成為她們自己人生的主人。 今日互動話題:你認為對女兒的培養,應該注重在哪些方面?歡迎在下方留言,讓我們在育兒的道路上一路同行。 本文圖片來源網絡,若有侵權,請聯繫刪除!










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